3.1 Promotion of Research and Facilities (30)
3.1.1 |
The institution has a well defined policy for promotion of research and Research Committee to monitor and address issues related to research and the same is uploaded on the institutional website. (Yes /No) |
3.1.2 |
The institution provides seed money for in-depth Shastric training/inter-disciplinary training to its teachers for research during the last five years |
3.1.3 |
Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and any other research fellowships in the University enrolled during the last five years |
_______________________ |
3.1.4 |
University has the following facilities |
------------------------------------- DVV_Q : 3.1.4 Supportive Docs Geo Tagged photos with caption
3.1.5 |
Percentage of departments with UGC-SAP, CAS, funding from DST/ ICSSR/ ICPR, Shastra-chudamani Scheme, Ashtadashi Scheme and other similar recognitions by government agency |
3.1.6 |
Does the university has the following – 1. Scheme for preparation of critical edition of unpublished manuscripts for research projects and research degrees 2. Sanskrit as the compulsory medium of writing thesis/ dissertation/ Project Report etc. 3. Provision for the translation of Sanskrit/Shastric texts as part of formal research degree? 4. Incentive to write Sanskrit-Teeka-s/ commentaries on Sanskrit texts 5. Scheme for production of Study materials in Sanskrit |
3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research (20)
3.2.1 |
Grants for research projects sponsored by the non-government sources such as industry, corporate houses, other allied organizations, national/international bodies, endowments, chairs in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) |
3.2.2 |
Grants for research projects sponsored by the government sources like UGC, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, IGNCA, NMM, Sanskrit Academies, ICPR, DST, ICHR etc. during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) |
3.2.3 |
Number of research projects per teacher funded by government and non-government agencies during the last five years |
3.2.4 |
University provide funds out of its internal resources for the promotion of research. Provide details |
3- SSSU Library – Book Purchase Policy |
3.3 Innovation Ecosystem (22)
3.3.1 |
Institution has created an eco-system for innovations including Incubation centre/ Research Labs/Manuscript repositories/subject based networks/teaching learning centers (TLC)/MOOCS studio/NRC and other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge |
3.3.2 |
Number of awards won by institution/teachersfor innovationduring the last five years |
3.3.3 |
Number of mentoring provided to other newly established Institutes during the last five years |
3.3.3. Supporting Docs_English and Gujarati ----------------------------------- |
3.4 Research Publications and Awards (100)
3.4.1 |
The institution has a stated Code of Ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism in Research |
---------------------------------- DVV_Q : |
3.4.2 |
The institution provides incentives to teachers who receive state, national and international recognition/ awards (Yes /No) |
--------------------------------- DVV_Q : 3.4.2 Incentive Notification 2015-16 to 2017-18 |
3.4.3 |
Number of Patents acquired/Creative writings/ Critical Shastric writings composed in Sanskrit awardedby State and National bodies hitherto unknown manuscripts brought to light through publication during the last five years |
DVV_Q : |
3.4.4 |
Numberof Ph.D.s awarded per teacher during the last five years |
--------------------------------- DVV_Q : Recognition of Research SupervisorsGuides (2015-16) Recognition of Research SupervisorsGuides (2016-17) Recognition of Research SupervisorsGuides (2017-18) |
3.4.5 |
Number of research papers/ Conference Proceedings per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website/ recognised peer reviewed journals/ reputed journals published by Sanskrit/ General Universities/ Departments/ Research Institutes and notified journals by the Rashtriya Samskrit Sansthan in its website |
DVV_Q : |
3.4.6 |
Number of books edited and chapters in edited volumes/ books published, monographs in Sanskrit and other languages, original creative writing in Sanskrit, Sanskrit Shastras etc. (excluding awarded works), per teacher during the last five years |
DVV_Q : |
3.4.7 |
Does the university publish any research journal(s) If yes, indicate the year of starting the research journal, composition of the editorial board, editorial policies and state whether it is listed in any international database. |
2- 3.4.7 research-publication#research Docs 1.2 3- 3.4.7 Notification research committee 2018 |
3.5 Consultancy (08)
3.5.1 |
Institution has a policy on consultancy including revenue sharing between the institution and the individual (Yes /No) |
3.5.2 |
Revenue generated from consultancy during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) |
3.5.2 Supporting Docs-1 |
3.6 Extension Activities (50)
3.6.1 |
Extension activities in the neighborhood community in terms of impact andsensitising students to social issues and holistic development during the last five years |
3.6.2 |
Number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government/recognised bodies during the last five years |
3.6.3 |
Number of extension and outreach Programmes conducted in collaboration with industry, community and Non- Government Organisations through NSS/ Swaccha Bharata Abhiyana/ NCC/ Red cross/ YRC etc., during the last five years |
3.6.4 |
Average percentage of students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-Government Organisations and Programmes such as Spoken Sanskrit Camps/ Shibiras/ Yoga camps/ etc. during the last five years. |
2- Shastric debate skill development Training |
3.6.5 |
The University gives attention to make Sanskrit and Shastra learning popular in the surrounding areas by offering evening courses Provide details |
2- 3.6.5 Swarnim Gujarat Sanskrit Abhiyan |
3.6.6 |
Teachers participate in the live commentaries / lectures / discussionprogrammes/on the print and electronic media. Provide details. |
3.7 Collaboration (18)
3.7.1 |
University’s collaboration with other agencies impacted the visibility, identity and diversity of activities on campus? To what extent has the university benefitted academically and financially because of collaborations? The nature of the skill development Programmes introduced for students initiated by the University in collaboration with professional bodies. |
3- 3.7.1.शैक्षिक-अभिबन्धः(MOU) 3.7.1 Sanskrit vangamaye nagara Rachana 3.7.1 Vaidic Mathematics Students List 3.7.1.अखिलभारतीयप्राच्यविद्यासम्मेलन 6-3.7.1. संस्कृतभाषानैपुण्यवर्गः |
3.7.2 |
Number of functional MoUs with institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the last five years (only functional MoUs with ongoing activities to be considered) |
3.7.3 |
Provide details of the Joint publication Programme ofthe University in collaboration with other Universities/institutes and well established publishing firms |
1- 3.7.3 VaiyakaranSiddhantbhushan 2- 3.7.3.Karmakandasansakarvigyanam |
Extended Profile
3.1 |